I don't live in the US. Will the calendar apply to my country?

Can I get the calendar in a different language?

Trevor Gensler

Last Update vor 3 Jahren

The post prompts within the calendar will work no matter what country you live in. We have customers all over the world who are using it and loving it!

With that said, the calendar is in English and it includes some US-specific holidays. Thankfully, the calendar can easily be translated into 77 different languages. Plus, it's 100% editable so you can easily delete the prompts that don’t apply to your country and enter your own country-specific holidays. I’ve even done the research for you and have included supplemental lists of all Australia, Canada, and UK holidays within the calendar. I’ve designed the calendar to be 100% customizable to your unique business needs no matter where in the world you’re located!

Also, keep in mind that I have a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can purchase the calendar (and image templates if you choose to add them to your order) and try it out to see if it will work for your business. If you decide it won’t work just submit a support ticket and we’ll refund your money.

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